Latest News from [ECL]

Due to the fact that the Company section of the ETS2MP Forums has been shut down, we will keep our latest news about the company here.

Trucking for Gaza

By CEO GabrielAngelious (on 15 August, 2014)

Hear ye, hear ye! We are trucking for Gaza. On August 29th 2014, [ECL] GabrielAngelious - a British Simulation Truck Driver - will drive for 24 hours in convoy with his pilot trucks and fans in order to raise money to give aid to victims of the rising conflict between Israel and Hamas. This crisis has caused thousands of people to flee their homes in fear and they are in desperate need of food, water, shelter and medical care.

Website Complications

By CEO GabrielAngelious (on 15 August, 2014)

Due to complications unknown, the due date of our new website has been delayed until further notice. I am very sorry for this inconvenience, as some of you may have been expecting a new website to be here soon. Thank you for understanding and your cooperation throughout this entire process.

ECL Livestreaming

By GonzoBright (on 9 August, 2014)

Our company's CEO, GabrielAngelious has started live-streaming over at Twitch! Go check it out at

Just don't crash in to us, though!


By CEO GabrielAngelious (on 2 August, 2014)

We would like to welcome you to the ECL News section. We will be posting important information about the company here due to the fact that the ETS2MP Company Forum has been archived.